Today I would like to share with you a retouching work, now you see this portrait retouching work I found on Adobe’s Behance, was shared by a Ukrainian re ...
This time I am sharing a video of a domestic car model practicing color adjustment, as well as the original image and psd file. This video was recorded in a liv ...
This is an article written a long time ago, but I think it still has value today. For this episode, I’ll put down my pressure-sensitive pen and create som ...
Today, I saw Teacher Ma’s magic advertisement for plant milk. To tell the truth, I brushed it several times. I saw Teacher Ma’s head posted by other ...
In this installment, we will not talk about taking photos and retouching pictures, and simply introduce a basic operation of ps. As a retouching staff, everyone ...
In the process of post-portrait retouching, we always find that a certain part of the color will appear very heavy, but also feel very dirty. You think it is th ...
In the post-photography retouching, portrait retouching is currently a problem that cannot be sidestepped, if you are still using one-click peeling to process p ...
I continued to learn composition with rafyA, an Indonesian retouch artist, and this time the case synthesis steps were more complicated and took more time for m ...
Aspiring to learn photo compositing can start by finding simple cases to mimic and learn from. Building on the shoulders of predecessors allows us to avoid man ...