After many years of photo repair, has not been in contact with the synthesis, imitation of rafya teacher’s synthesis video did a practice, the details are ...
This video mainly talks about how I suppressed the facial highlights and repaired the overexposed parts. In some PS marketing number also called the highlight i ...
This time, I will talk about a Photoshop retouching technique that is not commonly used in portrait retouching, at least I do not often use, but is very useful ...
Today to share with you is a simple and practical post-portrait retouching tips, repair replacement tool combined with hue saturation, to remove facial acne pim ...
We search the Internet for high and low frequency, generally will show high and low frequency dermabrasion, although it is a method of dermabrasion, but not onl ...
Today we will briefly talk about the problem of stray hair. I believe that many friends who do photo editing and the majority of photo retouchers have encounter ...
In this issue, let’s do photo editing practice. I found a celebrity photo material suitable for this practice on the Internet. I apologize to the lady her ...
The operation exercise shared this time is still related to photo editing. Let’s deal with the wrinkles and light and shadow of clothes. In portrait photo ...
This time, we will briefly talk about a PS whitening method, using the brush tool to remove stains on the teeth, and the hue saturation tool to make the yellow ...
This time, let’s practice the channel mixer, which is a very powerful but rarely used color tool in PS. The use of the channel mixer is actually quite sim ...