又是一张精修练习,这张图我修了好久,眼睛都修花了,整体皮肤修的比较细致,录了修图的过程,视频剪一下分享出来了,视频是加倍播放的,大家可以看一个大概流程。 raw原图和PSD文件也已经提供下载了,希望能帮到有需要的人吧 备注:图片来源于网络,版权归原作者所有,本站仅供修图练习使用,侵权可删。 ...
This is a fine repair and color bar, has shared the PSD document, the steps are basically more clear, acr steps are also cut. This time I recorded the screen, ...
This is a close-up photo of a European and American woman’s shed, because it is a naked shoulder photo, so the skin part that needs to be processed is mor ...
The pictures of this exercise should be seen by many friends, and they have been passed on the Internet. Some of the original images were a little too light and ...
A European and American woman portrait retouching practice, some of the original image is too exposed, but it is raw, you can press back a lot. Because my own r ...
It is still fine tuning practice, compared with some retouching masters, the effect is still much worse, and sometimes I have to sigh that talent is really impo ...
  The practice image is still circulating on the internet. This image should be part of a series, as I have seen foreign retouchers release video tutorial ...
This is one of the more carefully edited images for me, but some details were still not perfectly handled, particularly the hair on the forehead is somewhat blu ...