In the process of post-portrait retouching, we always find that a certain part of the color will appear very heavy, but also feel very dirty. You think it is th ...
This video mainly talks about how I suppressed the facial highlights and repaired the overexposed parts. In some PS marketing number also called the highlight i ...
This time, I will talk about a Photoshop retouching technique that is not commonly used in portrait retouching, at least I do not often use, but is very useful ...
Today to share with you is a simple and practical post-portrait retouching tips, repair replacement tool combined with hue saturation, to remove facial acne pim ...
We search the Internet for high and low frequency, generally will show high and low frequency dermabrasion, although it is a method of dermabrasion, but not onl ...
In this issue, let’s do photo editing practice. I found a celebrity photo material suitable for this practice on the Internet. I apologize to the lady her ...
This time, we will briefly talk about a PS whitening method, using the brush tool to remove stains on the teeth, and the hue saturation tool to make the yellow ...
这一次我挑战了一下比较大面积的皮肤修复,也就是逆向修图,把盖在脸上的白色面膜去除恢复原本的肤色。 在操作中用到了色相饱和度的着色功能,并结合可选颜色微调了肤色,其实在修图过程中,颜色的调整还不是最难得,难点是因为面膜的覆盖导致了原本正常的光影消失了,我们需要重新绘制光影,并且把鼻子和嘴巴的轮廓和形状恢复正常。 ...
这次视频主要是围绕图层混合模式和调色工具来讲解,以关晓彤一张黑丝照片为操作案例,借用ps的这几种工具将黑色丝袜消除掉,并露出正常肤色的腿。 整个修图过程其实很简单,就是几种ps工具的综合运用,我们在修图中一定要灵活运用各种知识。 如果需要观看高清视频,可以跳转到B站,素材已经上传到了百度网盘,有需要的朋友可以下载了。 ...