Today we will briefly talk about the problem of stray hair. I believe that many friends who do photo editing and the majority of photo retouchers have encounter ...
The operation exercise shared this time is still related to photo editing. Let’s deal with the wrinkles and light and shadow of clothes. In portrait photo ...
This time, let’s practice the channel mixer, which is a very powerful but rarely used color tool in PS. The use of the channel mixer is actually quite sim ...
这期视频中主要讲述和演示了一下我个人认为的头发精修操作过程,虽然最终结果不是太完美,但整个头发ps 精修的操作流程应该很清晰明了。 一般在商业修图中,处理头发的时候基本上先去除碎发和杂发,然后采用高低频的方式来顺滑发丝,如果发丝缺少或者明暗不均,我们还需要采用仿制图章和画笔工具来进行发丝和光影的绘制。 ...