Today I would like to share with you a retouching work, now you see this portrait retouching work I found on Adobe’s Behance, was shared by a Ukrainian re ...
I continued to learn composition with rafyA, an Indonesian retouch artist, and this time the case synthesis steps were more complicated and took more time for m ...
This is a fine repair and color bar, has shared the PSD document, the steps are basically more clear, acr steps are also cut. This time I recorded the screen, ...
This is a close-up photo of a European and American woman’s shed, because it is a naked shoulder photo, so the skin part that needs to be processed is mor ...
The pictures of this exercise should be seen by many friends, and they have been passed on the Internet. Some of the original images were a little too light and ...
A European and American woman portrait retouching practice, some of the original image is too exposed, but it is raw, you can press back a lot. Because my own r ...